Thursday, September 2, 2010

Baby Making Roadblock

I have always had a feeling that getting pregnant wasn't going to be as easy as people make it seem. I can't really explain why I just knew it to be true.

I went to one doctor who told me to go on vacation on day 14 because every woman ovulates on that day. #medicalFAIL I immediately booked an appointment with a different doctor. They took my charts from the last four cycles and could see something was up. They drew my blood and did a complete metabolic analysis on it.

The nurse called me back today and said my thyroid looks perfect, but I am not ovulating. She went on to explain that I need to come in for a follow up appointment. I made my appointment and I am looking forward to figuring out what is going on!


  1. Thank goodness for second opinions! I hope you get it all figured soon!

  2. I hope it all gets figured out and it's nothing bad!

  3. Okay-let me just pass this along...I have PCOS and NEVER ovulated right EVER! Obviously it took us awhile to get pregnant b/c we've been married 9 years and just had our first. Anyways, I never knew when I ovulated so a friend told me to have sex for the first 7 days every day right after I stopped my period (whenever that was???) and we tried that for a week and BOOM...PREGNANT! Just a tip, don't know if it will work...but it did for us and after all the fertility stuff, I gave up and this actually worked!
