Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday Night Studying

I spent my night at the college library so B could study. Funny thing is when I went here I never spent a Saturday night in the library! I did graduate in three and a half years so I guess it all worked out.

Prior to going to the library we walked to Starbucks. I got an orange blossom tea. It was gross! Yuck! I was hoping Dunkin Donuts would be open so I could get a decaf iced coffee, but they were closed by the time we got there.

I was also able to organize my GMail. It makes me oh so happy to have all of my e-mails in sub folders.

Earlier today I made challah bread. It turned out so good!

It was a great Saturday, but I am really looking forward to our future Saturdays of going to the synagogue and then celebrating the rest of Shabbat how it is traditionally spent!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Meeting With Rabbi

Our meeting with the Rabbi want so well!  The whole being turned away three times before they talk to you wasn't true for this synagogue. The Rabbi said, "Go away. Go away. Go away. Ok, good you're still here!"

The synagogue includes a lot of things we were looking for: focus on families, child friendly, congregation includes couples around our age, and dedication to charity.

We surprised the Rabbi a bit because normally conversions are done because one person is married to someone who is already Jewish. Apparently one person who grew up Catholic and the other person who grew up Southern Baptist is a combo that doesn't happen that often! Ha!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Yoga at Home

Yoga studios are expensive! So sad :(

An easy way I do yoga for free at home is create the sequence of poses I want to do through Yoga Journal. It is free and you can save and print your sequence.

Then I listen to the Paramahansa Yoga Station on Pandora.


I picked up a pedometer for $5 at WalMart so I can track how many steps I take. I aim for 10,000 steps a day.

On the days that I babysit it is super easy to take that many steps. Other days it is a challenge!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Practice Shabbat Dinner

We are meeting with the Rabbi on Thursday about our conversion and what all that involves!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Calm in the Storm

The other day in yoga we had to end class early because it was pouring and there was a leak in the ceiling.

I still say a short yoga class is better than no yoga at all!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

One Day

One day we will be at this or that point in our life.  It is so hard for me to get caught up in the past or think of the future. My goal is to take this life as it has been given to me, one day at a time. When it really comes down to it I am really on G-d's timeline anyways. So here's to living in the moment and seeing what He has in store for me!