Saturday, September 18, 2010


My 26th birthday was great! We went over to my parent's house and then went out to dinner.

I went in for my follow up appointment with my doctor about my blood work and he prescribed me Clomid for me to start on my next cycle! My doctor said I need to be patient and it can take a few cycles to work, but I really hope it doesn't take too long!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

G-d willing

On my 8th birthday I remember blowing out the candles on my cake wishing for my true love. No boy looked my way or took me to a school dance or asked to be my boyfriend.
Fast forward to my 19th birthday and I blew out the candles on my cake. B asked "What did you wish for?' I responded, "Nothing, absolutely nothing. I have it."

On Tuesday I know what I am going to wish for. The wish above all wishes.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Baby Making Roadblock

I have always had a feeling that getting pregnant wasn't going to be as easy as people make it seem. I can't really explain why I just knew it to be true.

I went to one doctor who told me to go on vacation on day 14 because every woman ovulates on that day. #medicalFAIL I immediately booked an appointment with a different doctor. They took my charts from the last four cycles and could see something was up. They drew my blood and did a complete metabolic analysis on it.

The nurse called me back today and said my thyroid looks perfect, but I am not ovulating. She went on to explain that I need to come in for a follow up appointment. I made my appointment and I am looking forward to figuring out what is going on!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Busy Life

Life has been sooo busy lately! I have been babysitting roughly 60 hours a week. It's not just me, B has been working a lot and going to school full time.
I have been good about keeping up with yoga during this time which I am proud of. Other areas...not so much.

The laundry piles up, the food we eat has been boring, counters and tables get cluttered, I haven't had time to get my bangs trimmed so they get bobby pinned back each morning, etc.

All this chaos just reminds me of how many blessings we have in our lives. We have jobs in a bad economy, the husband is able to achieve his educational goals, we have enough clothes to actually fill up our laundry baskets, we have food to nourish our bodies, and we own a home with enough things in it to create clutter.

Because my babysitting schedule can't be changed right now we are waiting to go to our educational classes until they start up again the first of the year. They are two hours and last for a few months.  Pretty soon we are going to start attending services as guests.  I am very much looking forward to both of those things!